Digital Yacht team member to run 10K to support Vega 1892

The Digital Yacht Foundation team are pleased to introduce our newest member – Anna Heyes, a recent BA Geography graduate! Anna will helping the Digital Yacht Foundation with new fundraising and promotional activities.


To kick start her role (both literally and metaphorically), Anna has signed up to the Great Bristol 10K Run with a target to raise an extra £100 for the marine initiative, Vega 1892.



Vega 1892 is small “mom&pop” initiative that delivers donated educational and medical supplies to remote, neglected island communities in Eastern Indonesia and East Timor. The impact of this charity, that operates on a purely volunteer basis, is truly inspirational. Head over to HERE to find out more. We personally couldn’t think of a better choice! Run Anna, run!


The 10K Run will take place on 25th September.  If you’d like to support such a worthy cause, please donate HEREEvery donation counts! Thank you.


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